Welcome to Psych Applied, your home for interesting developments in applied psychology, delivered in an accurate and responsible way.
About Psych Applied
Psych Applied will never overstate or misrepresent research findings, and will always offer proper citation, so you never have to just take our word for anything and can do your own investigation.
If you’re not just looking for the latest developments in several psychology fields (from social, to developmental, to clinical, to neuroscience disciplines), but are also looking to see how those developments will apply to the real world (including music, public policy, sports, and technology), you’ve come to the right place.
Aside from peer-reviewed journals, it can be frustrating to try to read about psychology online. Some sources are too technical and don’t make any connections to the real world, while others are not technical enough and either don’t report the full story or just flat out misstate research findings. Psych: Applied is aiming for somewhere down the middle: dedicated to getting the details right and only stating facts, but also presenting these facts in such a way that anyone interested in psychology can read about them, not just people on their way to a PhD.
A note about ads and affiliate links: Maintaining a website is not free. Therefore, in an attempt to keep the site afloat and profitable, Psych Applied will run a small ad on the sidebar and will also occasionally include affiliate links. These are links to products that will send a small commission from any purchase to Psych Applied without raising the price you pay. You can rest easy knowing that no products would be recommended if Psych Applied did not think they were valuable tools for our readers.
About the founder: Joaquín Selva

I studied psychology in college (I graduated just a few years ago) with a focus in behavioral neuroscience, and I wrote a senior thesis about alcohol addiction in a rodent model. While there, I also took classes in psychological subjects as varied as social psychology, computational neuroscience, and the history of psychology. Since graduating, I’ve written about psychology for various outlets, and I’ve also spent time as an editor of academic papers written in English by non-native English speakers. You can see my personal website for more.
The academic papers for which I have been a coauthor include:
Howell, E., Baumgartner, H.M., Zallar, L.J., Selva, J.A., Engel, L., Currie, P.J. (2019). Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 (GLP-1) and 5-Hydroxytryptamine 2c (5-HT2c) Receptor Agonists in the Ventral Tegmental Area (VTA) Inhibit Ghrelin-Stimulated Appetitive Reward. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20(4), E889. doi: 10.3390/ijms20040889.
Brockway, E.T., Krater, K.R., Selva, J.A., Wauson, S.E., Currie, P.J. (2016). Impact of [d-Lys(3)]-GHRP-6 and feeding status on hypothalamic ghrelin-induced stress activation. Peptides, 79(1), 95-102. doi: 10.1016/j.peptides.2016.03.013.
Cepko, L.C., Selva, J.A., Merfeld, E.B., Fimmel, A.I., Goldberg, S.A., Currie, P.J. (2014). Ghrelin alters the stimulatory effect of cocaine on ethanol intake following mesolimbic or systemic administration. Neuropharmacology, 85(1), 224-231. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropharm.2014.05.030.