The 10 Best Psychology Books On Human Behavior


Many people are most drawn to psychology because of what it can elucidate about human behavior. If you are one of those people, here are 10 great books on human behavior written by qualified psychologist. They range in subject matter from children with behavioral issues to romantic relationships, and they are aimed at varying audiences, from people without psychology experience to licensed clinicians. However, there is probably at least one book on this list that will interest you.

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The 10 Best Human Behavioral Psychology Books

Brewer, J. (2018). The Craving Mind: From Cigarettes to Smartphones to Love – Why We Get Hooked and How We Can Break Bad Habits. New Haven: Yale University Press.

Written by the director of research at the Center for Mindfulness as the University of Massachusetts Medical School (and with a foreword by Jon Kabat-Zinn, one of the main contributors to the western mindfulness movement), this book aims to discuss a variety of addictions in an accessible manner. It can be for someone looking to quit smoking or someone just trying to spend less time on their phone. There is a lot of practical, actionable advice in this book, and it is a good option for someone looking to use mindfulness teachings to control their bad habits.

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Burg, M.A., Oyama, O. (Eds.). (2016). The Behavioral Health Specialist in Primary Care: Skills for Integrated Practice, First Edition. New York: Springer Publishing Company.

This book is targeted at health professionals who want to learn about behavioral health skills that they can teach their patients to achieve a more integrated practice. Edited by experts in social work and behavioral health, this book describes the psychosocial aspects involved in certain health issues and ways to help patients with their behavioral health. This book will likely not be accessible (or enjoyable) for someone looking to learn more about behavior in general, but it can be an invaluable resource for primary care professionals to learn more about behavioral health.

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Gillihan, S.J. (2018). Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Made Simple: 10 Strategies for Managing Anxiety, Depression, Anger, Panic, and Worry. Emeryville: Althea Press.

Over the last several years, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) has attracted substantial attention from clinicians, patients, and a wide variety of people looking to better themselves. This book is aimed directly at people trying to apply CBT in their daily lives, and will teach the reader the essentials of CBT. The author is a psychologist who has written many books, so the information within is both accurate and accessible.

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Halloran, J. (2018). Coping Skills for Kids Workbook: Over 75 Coping Strategies to Help Kids Deal with Stress, Anxiety and Anger, Workbook Edition. Eau Claire: PESI Publshing & Media.

Negative emotions are a natural part of life for anyone, but it is important to know how to cope with these emotions, especially for kids. This book, by a certified mental health counselor, is a workbook for children who want to regulate their behavioral responses. This is a good resource for teachers who want ideas for their students, but it is also a good option for parents to give directly to their kids to work on.

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McEvoy, R.E., Gangwish, K., Jones, M. (Eds.). (2017). Child Decoded: Unlocking Complex Issues in Your Child’s Learning, Behavior or Attention. Louisville: L.E.A.R.N., L.L.C.

While the workbooks listed above is a great resource for children themselves, this book is aimed at parents trying to understand their child’s behavior. In fact, it aims to be an “Owner’s manual” for parents. The editors of this book have extensive experience in child psychology, so this book is an excellent resource for any parent looking for answers regarding the behavior of their children.

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McHugh, L., Stewart, I. (2012). The Self and Perspective Taking: Contributions and Applications from Modern Behavioral Science. Oakland: New Harbinger Publications.

This book is targeted specifically at clinicians who want to understand more about their patients’ perspectives of their selves. In a collection of essays, the researchers that contributed to this book present an overview of historical and modern behavioral approaches regarding the self. Clinicians who want to better understand their patients, particularly those with certain behavioral disorders, will find this to be a valuable resource.

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Namie, G., Namie, R. (2009). The Bully at Work: What You Can Do to Stop the Hurt and Reclaim Your Dignity on the Job. Naperville: Sourcebooks.

Bullying is often thought of as a problem faced by children in schools. However, adults can experience bullying too, particularly at work. This book was written by a psychotherapist and an expert in organizational psychology to help people deal with bullying and toxic behavior in general at work. Anyone who feels helpless about how they are being treated at work can read this book to learn about strategies that my be helpful.

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O’Connor, R. (2015). Rewire: Change Your Brain to Break Bad Habits, Overcome Addictions, Conquer Self-Destructive Behavior. New York: Plume.

Written by a psychotherapist, this is an accessible book for anyone who wants to learn how to “rewire” the brain. While CBT can be used for this purpose (as described in the second book on this list), this book aims to be more practical for readers with less experience in psychology. It also has more of a grounding in mindfulness, so anyone looking to extend their mindfulness practice might find it a useful addition to their bookshelf.

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Pransky, G. (2017). The Relationship Handbook: A Simple Guide to Satisfying Relationships, Anniversary Edition. La Conner: Pranksy and Associates, P.S.

For people who are specifically interested in learning about human behavior in terms of romantic relationships, this is the 25th edition of a handbook that has been helping clients and clinicians for many years. The author is a marriage counselor with decades of professional experience, and this anniversary edition includes a new addendum. This is an excellent option for anyone looking for a book on romantic relationships written by an extremely credible author.

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Skinner, B.F. (1965). Science And Human Behavior, New Impression Edition. New York: The Free Press.

You might be wondering why this list ends with a version of a book that was first published in 1953. Well, no matter how old it is, no list like this could be complete without a book by B.F. Skinner, who is arguably the most influential behaviorist of all time. I selected this one in particular because of its focus on human behavior. If you want to learn about the historical underpinnings of how psychologists came to conceptualize human behavior, this is the best place to start.

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Wrapping up

Whether you are a parent, a clinician, or just a person trying to understand themselves, learning about behavior is essential. There are many psychological perspectives on human behavior, and this list presents books containing a variety of those perspectives. Whether you are reading for yourself or your clients, learning about human behavior is a worthwhile pursuit.

Joaquín Selva Administrator
Joaquín Selva has a B.A. in psychology with a focus in behavioral neuroscience, and has co-authored three behavioral neuroscience papers. He also has experience with social psychology, psychopathology, computational neuroscience, and the history of psychology. Since graduating, he has written psychology articles for a number of publications and worked as an academic editor for papers in a variety of subjects.